I’m just gonna say I’m fed up with matchmaking. I’m not the best player in the world but I can pull my own weight in games. I have NEVER been carried a win in this game so far. I was gold2 and I fell to silver3.
Whenever I lose I mostly end up somewhere on the top of the player charts... 1/3 of my games are me not moving an inch in rank as a result. This is not me being delusional or talkin bs. My game history is there.
The most horrifying thing is that ranks are so random cause when the enemy plat player is their ace, mine is quite often the worst player in the game... even worse is they are paired with a silver player, WHICH assuming the ranked system is accurate should be worse than gold players anyway.(no offence im also silver now)
anyway double trouble, thanks for that riot. But okay assuming the ranked system is crappy anyway I won’t take any offence in my fall from grace. Is the only way to progress In rank in this game to hard carry???
It certainly feels that way