I´m playing since the beginning and notice that this Game have more and more problems and some good Player´s and Friends leave it. Biggest one is Cheaters! We have been active in Anticheat-Communitys for many years (e.g. Overwatch CS:GO). So there are some Player´s with a lot of experience in this Topic. In the beginning of Valorant we receive lot of Mails about postive detection of a cheater. But now we report them (because there is WH / AIM ...) and nothing happens. Does RIOT have no interest to do something? Maybe the cheater pay a lot for skins (lol) and they are securde for perm-ban? So please RIOT do something... It was your advertisement that you have best and newest technology to prevent us for cheater!
Next issue: Smurfs... There are some they hate them and there are some they do it! And also RIOT should mark them in a game. If i understand technology right we have a fixed system-id. Maybe RIOT can use this id to detect them and remove them from ranked-rating. EG: If you have Gold3 and IRON3 account the IRON3 can play ranked but it dosn´t have a affect on the rating for other Player´s. Other way is to show all Player´s before start a Ranked-Match who is a Multi-Account User (with higher Accounts then actually played) and who not. That´s maybe fair!
Operator: Hmm don´t know exactly what to say to that issue... After update: To cheap (5000 is not a problem) to Powerfull (Hit the leg and die) and on most Maps you doesn´t have a good chance to kill the Sniper. Idea to this: 6000, longer time for reload and reduce damage from chest down.
For me: I will watch and play this season and decide after that to leave and bring my $$ to other virtuell-skin-shit-producers... 😃
Best regards