Not just about picking 1 particular hero who they main with 1-2 possible alternatives but sticking to 1 game like Valorant and not even caring about the millions of other games which coming out. What do you guys think about this?
I start feeling this game is as addictive like OW is you can just play it forever without getting tired of it, the only reason you put it down is getting TILTED. I guess the most stoned examples I saw over there in OW, I had friends with insanely high amount of time on heroes like hanzo, bastion most of them stuck in bronze silver, always instalocking. Some of them were so far gone didn't even change a skin or checkout a lootbox LoL, imagine that when you put thousands of hours into a game and of course all of these friends of mine are still stuck in the OW world and I could never even make them come over to play at least 1 game in Valorant.
I think this is the recent trend that video games become drugs. I at least try to put this down for couple of days play some single player or something because we don't live forever and it's just not right to keep playing a game for possibly many years saying that you don't have time to play anything else 🙂