Title says it all. I have 4 different accounts (I use them to play with friends from both EU and US) and played hundreds of hours on all four, approximately 500 hours in total if I had to take a guess, been playing since ACT 1, just fyi. This game's experience is literally the worst when solo queuing at any rank below plat. There is just TOO MANY afks, dcers, trolls and toxic people, literally unplayable. Every other game, one guy disconnects or goes afk. They even troll you when afk by moving their mouse, just to spawn every round and listening to the team struggle. If I happen to lose a game by a few rounds, one guys just gives up and goes afk. Don't tell me "how do you know he didn't just crash?" Because no way I have crasher in my team every other game. Don't tell me "life gets in the way, deal with it" THEN DON'T PLAY. If you cannot make a commitment of 45 minutes to play, just go play a game that you can pause on the spot (I suggest Skyrim).
Why do I have to lose rank after top fragging in a 4v5 game? You will never convince me that it makes sense. Of course many will say "Just queue up with your friends" well, hahah I CAN'T. Because Riot decided to reduce the stack limit to A SINGLE RANK. REALLY??? WHY??? I know that you did it to address the Diamond/Immortal ranks, but why do I have to pay the price? Ranking up in solo queue below plat is literally a nightmare, an unpleasant gaming experience at its finest. I cannot rank up solo because this game is dominated by afks and trolls, and I cannot queue with friends unless we are all within 1 rank of each other, an absolutely unacceptable game state.
I know I'm being very salty and upfront about it, but you cannot tell me that I'm not speaking the truth. This game is already difficult to play because it REQUIRES teamwork, good game sense and mechanical skill, which can be insanely fun, but as of right now, it's not. I am forced to leave the game as, most of the gameplay it's just not fun and there is no reason to play 45 minutes to an hour, stuck in a 4v5 game where you know you are about to lose no matter what. Almost feels like joining the afks. For real, what other choices do you have? You can stay, try your hardest and lose, or just disconnect and go play something else, the outcome is literally the same. I'm tired of "well, just deal with it". Implement SEVERE punishments for afks and dcs. If you do it twice in one day, full day ban and loss of a full rank, no xp and no excuses. You may crash once, or have to quit because life, but if you do it a second time, you're out. God forbid that my opponents have an afk lmao, literally once every 10 games. It's obvious that you CANNOT succeed in solo queue without past CSGO or FPS experience, which cuts the plyer base in a massive disparity. If you're telling me that I have to play with friends every single game to avoid afk and trolls, or that I have to top frag 30kda and carry every game in order to rank up, then I'm done.