Title...After spending over 7 days trying to just get the game to even work on my computer, I finally got the game to work without freezing or crashing. Excited like a puppy I hop in to the game. First game, was 2 young people screeching into the mic everyround for this 1 guy to buy them weapons and drop them so they can use his weapon skins. After 7 rounds, he stopped doing it and both left the game. Next game, had the same issue with 1 person. Next 3 games, all had leavers. My 6th game, I got reported because I picked a character and apparently my team wanted to do character roulette. My team spent the whole game killing me with their abilities, and then told the enemy team I was throwing on purpose.
I have had multiple games where someone gets like 40 kills and is clearly really good, then go on some pompous rage in all chat. I am finding it very hard to have a reason to keep playing this game.