I'm b2-b3 elo in rated but I always get silver 2-3's in my games which is so stupid as the skill gap is so high between even b3 and s2-s3. Also the amount of smurfs in rated in oce is stupid, like go play in your own rank on your main bro, some of us are trying to get to a level where it's even games. very few games are even mostly stacked one side by s2-s3 when my team is all bronze or even sometimes iron. How you have iron 3 in a game with s3 like come on that skill gap is massive.
Then in unrated I'm playing against gold 2-3 like come on man, fix this because it's not fun for me when I just get headshotted by people with insane reaction time that play at gold level. Like I like playing unrated to chill not getting stomped on because people use their smurf account to 5 man party on oce.