[Ranked Changes]
*Ranked games are based on a player's skill you either increase or decrease in ranks, but unlike Riot Game's famous game League of Legends there is no MMR or ELO check. Even though this is still a beta release, we should have a better understanding of our MMR or ELO if it is in/de-creasing after a game besides green or brown arrows under the badge. Furthermore, without knowing how well we do in a game or how many games we need to play to get to the next level makes the game not fun. As an example, you're Iron 1 and you win 3 games but you don't know exactly how many you need for next rank, then you lose, and its a continuous fact of whether you'll rank or not.
*There should be an Agent ban phase, something that changes the strategy of the game keeps things different instead of one team comp. Whereas the whole team comes together to ban an Agent, however, no two Agents can be banned from both teams. This Phase would come up after everyone locks in, the ones who are banned stay in Agent select while others load into the map, therefore, they don't know who really is banned until match actually begins while they wait for their teammate.
[QOL sugguestions]
*Map selection, you love Split as much as I do? well, pick it practice on it.
*A "Accept or Decline" option while in the queue . For instance, you run to get some water, snack, or even use the restroom.
*Allow other players in the party to join your practice/ the range.
*Scopes on starting pistol/sawed-off
*Beta Collection Skins, only those who actually get the collection can represent the beta, while when the game fully releases players would have to buy the skins separately from the rotating shop. This, in fact, would make Riot more money because of the raise in VP per skin, also beta players get to represent.
*Smokes should be more see-through while in, just in case you pass an enemy or can't see the spike is in there.
*Raze's abilities need to be nerfed heavily. Instead of starting with her grenade, it should be her satchel because the initial impact of the explosion hurts, and while you're stunned it kills you with a full shield. Her ultimate does too much AOE/Splash Damage I could be 10/20m away and still be killed or have entire shield broken.
*Breach's abilities allow him to hold down an entire team with the flashes and concussions he can do which seems forever when they are activated. His flash should be shorter than Phoenix's and his concussions shouldn't blur your screen for that long either because bullet spray is so random you don't know where to shoot.
hope y'all agree with me and can help get these implemented by DEVs before initial release 🙂