I was fortunate enough to play this game in the first month of its release, when it was a great game and everyone was pretty chill, however in the last few months this game has become almost completely unplayable, because at every single low rank, you vs 1 to 3 smurfs a game, or have 1 or more smurfs on your team. This game is basically a "watch the immortal playing in silver" simulator, or "get destroyed by an immortal enemy in silver" game.
In my last 20 games approx I have only had two games where every ones account level was 50+, and both games were within 2 rounds of each other, nice close games. 90% of my games I have either won by over 10 rounds or lost by over 10 rounds, depending on which team had the smurfs. I work 60+ hours a week and cannot dedicate my life to improving, I use this game as a release after a crazy week of work. I know my voice doesn't matter to riot, I am but one player, however every single friend of mine that came to valorant from other FPS games has since left due to this exact issue. I am not in games development so I cant suggest a fix to this, however if one doesn't happen soon, you will continue to hemorrhage players.
Every single low rank player getting destroyed by smurfs.