So I don't know how much it happens in other games or to other people in general but people leaving early in the game (1-5 rounds in) happens frequently. Now I'm not going to rant about this for bans and stuff but there needs to be done something in the sence of how many RR you lose to this. Just now I had a game where after 5 rounds My team an I were left in a 3V5 situation. We played the game and ended up with an 6-13 defeat (how suprising). The fact that my team and I lost the normal amount of RR is just idiotic in my eyes. I usually gain or lose between 15 and 18
RR every game, So to see this number again after playing such a game is just stupid. I don't know what to expect from Riot in the future when this happens but something needs to be done.
(I know posting a link is scetchy as hell but didn't know how to post the screenshot XD)