i peaked high plat at beginning of second act and couldnt climb anymore due to playing with immortal and diamond players for whatever reason, making the game not fun anymore since i have to perma fill support role cause i cant outaim ppl 2-3 ranked teirs above me. started playing quite a bit again in low gold silver elo and its just so incredibly unplayable, mostly duo queue and we have a full silver2/3 team while enemy is full g2/g3 with a plat 1. Yes sometimes we get the higher ranked teams but every game is just either 13/4 or 5/13 how is this supposed to be fun. Not mentioning the obscene amounts of griefers afks and just insanely boosted players. It is also beyond me how players during placement games can win their first placement games and be assumed to be high gold/plat, i had a duo queue in my game who were on their second ever ranked game, our team was silver and g1 against full gold 1/2s? 1/10 games is actually fun duno why i would take those odds tho
havent even mentioned the fact that almost every gold silver game is just a battle between who has the better smurf…