First game into my placement games this season and I had an instalock viper. Okay yeah fair, some people really like to play the same champion so whatever, but then the game starts and this viper doesn't move, what's going on we think, round ends, we lost the first round, no afk message nothing, we try to remake due to an afker but we can't. Finally after some small waiting and watching, we can see this viper has a macro or something similar that is keeping this player from being afk kicked. We realise there's nothing we can do and attempt to play the rest of the match 4v5 in which we lost, we didn't win a single round.
Something needs to be done here, why cant we as players block another account so we don't match with them. This behaviour happens all too much and another question I have is that surely this person has a ton of reports, why doesn't the algorithm pick up on these things and just permaban the account.