Hello guys!
After some days testing the game i've noticed some weird stuff below...
- Running with gun and shooting successfuly applies all hits on target and even headshots. Also noticed that while jumping or falling from places. Is this normal to happen or the mechanics are in need of serious fixing?
- Peekers most of the time, like 90%, don't appear to move for peek but instead flash to the direction they should move to. Nearly impossible to trace them during their peek.
- ADS some times (very rarely though) get stuck at the begining of the animation and lag to the right side of screen before the dot reaches the center, for about 1-2 secs.
- My connection is generaly stable at 55 ms. Packet loss 0%. FPS 170. For the most of my playtime I die from peekers before they appear on screen, actually before they even fire. Now by my side, many of my shots register after i take cover and not during visual contact with my target. I am very well aware of the peekers advantage in this kind of games and if this is the issue..... well it's huge! since we talk about 10-15 ms difference.
- Something is wrong with the hitboxes. For example, standing still and tapping head with any weapon in 2 meters applies dmg to legs, or in many cases while i can only see heads i shoot and apply dmg to body or legs. (it's not wall penetration btw and i don't use shotguns)
- I have encountered the following problem only twice. Swapping weapons fast i've managed to shoot with the knife. Maybe a visual bug but you know better.
- Random FPS drops from 200+ to 40.
- KDA sorting in statistics is all wrong. It actually calculates only flat kills despite assists and deaths. In example someone with 3/20/0 ranks higher than someone else with 2/1/5.
I know that there is a lot of room for improvement and that you guys work hard for us! Keep up the good work and I bet that you'll get us one of the best fps games soon.
<My Specs>
Ryzen 5 1600X
RX 580 8GB Nitro+
16 GB RAM 2400
SSD Evo 500GB
PS. Please optimize for AMD better performance. We AMD users love you too! xD