They don't give a fuck.
I have 2 to 4 toxic players per game, insulting, throwing, sage not healing, reyna not helping, people getting in your face, people staying at spawn forever after the countdown has started. This is 4-5 games a night. I get a message maybe for 1% of my reports. Not even talking about enemy team provokations, I mute them all, there is never anything good coming from anyone in this game. I never flame, I stay quiet, I play as good as I can, I get toxicity all the time anyway.
They don't care at all, you can have 50 accounts to get around bans, you can smurf, you can bring your shit friend to play sage and heal only you. 95% of my games in bronze silver are like this.
Only solution : stop giving them money, don't buy skins, abuse reports, abuse support emails, get in their face, rui ntheir day. They have the worst ranked gamemode and they don't give a shit since everyone carries on playing and buying useless skins.