So i tested out 2 new accounts, from gold and below i would say a smurf but not like a hardout smurf im not an Immortal or Radiant player. My Peak is D3, I play casually got a full time 40 to 60 hrs/week job. The only time i can play hard is during weekends.
Imagine you play like a D3 but your account is is Gold and you kept versing plat and diamond every match coz u got the same "MMR" and you cant rank up from gold coz they kept giving u sweaty lobbies with the same MMR.
If these account was just kept versing gold players eventually it will rank up to D3 and play D3 lobbies with the same MMR anyways so what's the point. Lets say u used to play CSGO and some more FPS games, so ur aim is pretty decent and because of that with just having better aim and more kills/r or game they increased your MMR then u end up getting sweaty lobbies with the same aim as you but better in game mechanics and u kept getting shit on lol. and your gold rank will be stuck on gold and u quit the game coz there's no progression.
i know you guys are doing this coz of the smurfing problems but think about it. my solution IMO how about
you just increase the RR gain if the game thinks his better in his current rank but keep him playing againts players with the same rank as him. but in regulated manner coz there are so called Bad Days or Bad Game. same thing as boosted players if the player plays on D3 and doing poorly every round/ the players should get more punishment on RR but kept him playing against the players with his current rank. this will filer or improved the rank placement IMO.
Thank you for making time for reading this i know its not easy and it might be left unread but this is coming from a player who loves this game and want this game to be better and more enjoyable for new fps gamers and experienced ones. 😃