I'm really trying to blame myself, my rig, my internet connection etc. I hard wired my computer, hit the 100HZ refresh rate(enough for me), getting over 140 fps everything on low. less than 40 ping.
My teammate calls out "enemy left in hookah is only 40 HP" so I turn left crouch and spam him with my vandal for a good 2 seconds. He kills me.... I didn't even hit him once about two feet away with crouched bullet spray all over him.
There are moments where I am heads hotting people with a vandal miles away instantly with no problem, then there are moments where an entire clip barely connects. I don't know what it is, and I know the dev team has some denial factor going on. But seriously, it's getting absurd. Some games I get called a cheater because "my aim is so good" and other games I'm doing worse than the guy who just installed the game because I can't land any shots.
If 40 ping and 140 fps isn't enough to have a good gaming experience, I don't know what else to say.
I'm not going to claim I am a god and land every shot every time, but I am 100% certain there is hit reg inconsistency and it isn't related to my own hardware. My ping is actually some of the lowest ping I've ever had in gaming, and I still get huge hit reg problems. I do enjoy the look and feel of the game, and I want to keep playing. But this experience makes it extremely unplayable and not enjoyable.