this community is the most toxic i have ever been a part of and i was in the LoL community a long time ago. there is NO competitive aspect of this game. you can be sweating your ass off and still lose. i am stuck in lower elo due to the fact that there are SO MANY SMURFS in lower elo just to troll around, and they are either throwing or they are absolutely destroying you on the other team (i play with my friends who are in high diamond-immortal and still perform fine with them). once i am in casual game modes i am having a good time because no one gives a shit and im actually doing good against people who are in a significantly higher elo than me. IT MAKES NO SENSE.
There is also the aspect of luck in this game. in games like CS:GO there are spray patterns that can be memorized. in Valorant that is completely different. bullets go in a random area within the boundary of the guns specific radial degrees. the first bullet is guaranteed to hit dead center as long as youre not moving, but i am a firm believer that Comp is a gamble, and is entirely based on luck, and timing. precise gunplay my ass.