I just keep losing and losing and losing and then the games where I do really well and have the potential to earn a lot of my points back always seem to have something go wrong. I was literally doing so well in this last game but lost because we had 2 DCs at the same time and they never came back.
Another game I did really well and so did my team 2 of my teammates got cocky and basically full rushed the enemy and repeatedly died and we ended up losing and this just keeps happening something is always happening. Another game I can't do anything in but it's going to be a win and my game starts hard stuttering and lagging and we lose AGAIN.
Another game I just get sht on because I'm bronze 2 about to derank into bronze 1 and there's 3 golds in the lobby like wtf. Last game i was in the score was 2-13 we couldnt do anything enemy was just 1 tapping every corner u peaked, i watched my bullets fly every where while tapping or spraying and shocker that game was against golds and high silvers to. It's like any time I'm supposed to win or going to win the game stops it. Since the start of the season I have 1 win 7 losses