I just wanted to ask a question here to see other peoples POV on this situation. I have a main account that is plat 1 peak and many of hours to show for it. During the last night market I had made another account to see other skins and I ended up buying one so I have swapped my main account for now to that one. At the start of playing of course I was better than the players which felt horrible but there was nothing I could do about it until I unlocked competitive. When I had finally gotten level 20 and got my rank (G2) most of my unrated lobbies were filled with gold and sometimes the occasional ascendant. Recently in a game played I had someone call me for smurfing because I was doubling the second fraggers kills, what confuses me is that everyone else was also gold 2 and a couple peaked plat like my main account. I want to know is it really smurfing when the other players are the same rank as me but are worse players? I truly don't want to smurf, I simply wanted to have a new account with different skins.