Cypher/Reyna Main, 19 years old with lots of FPS experience. (NA Central)
Immortal 2 in BETA, plan to grind for Valorant/Top Rank, when released again (solo)
Main knowledge comes from CSGO experience, over 4k hours in the game, didnt play competitively, hit A- in ESEA
Roles: Lurker/Entry
Competed in Apex Tournies but left due to lack of interest in the game
Competed in Tournies for Valorant placing top 4 in all tournies (30bomb/smash tournies), teammates lost interest and team was disbanded unfortunately.
Grinding everyday/every night
Just looking for competent players, good game sense, with a good IGL, and smooth comms.
If you have any questions about past experiences or wanna setup a scrim just DM me.
Best way to contact me will be discord